Monday, December 21, 2009


I love firefox as a browser. Before I found about firefox I used Safari at work and Internet explorer at home. I find that firefox and Safari works best for me. I always have some issue with Internet explorer information was always missing on my website whenever I used internet explorer.

NYU Blackboard

Wow! this website thing is no joke. Nonetheless, I give myself a little credit since I'm not computer savvy. I guess I just have to keep working at it even when this class is technically over. I find that the blackboard is pretty easy and straight forward. I can maneuver my way around it just fine. However when I log on to the files 2.0 to work on my site that's when I start pulling my hair out. Today I had a hard time logging on so that I could work on my site. It's taking so long for the page to load up. I'm really stressing out!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I did it!